A Repair Café is a meeting place where people work together, with the help of experienced repair people, to mend broken household items that they bring in.  The usual items are electrical appliances, furniture, clothing, toys, or just about anything that you can carry in by yourself.  There is no cost, but also no guarantee that your item can be fixed there.  You will be expected to participate in the repair or learn how to repair it on your own at home.  The emphasis is on community-building, keeping well-loved useful items out of the landfill, and learning how to make repairs on your own.

Support the Right to Repair

Washingtonians should be able to maintain their items and fix them when they break, at the lowest possible cost.
For Washingtonians living on a low income, a phone or computer is a lifeline to earnings, state benefits, healthcare, and more. When devices break, Washingtonians can face astronomical repair costs due to the monopoly manufacturers have on authorized repair of devices. Sometimes, the only option for manufacturer repair is far away and only open during work hours, forcing Washingtonians to miss out on income and navigate long and confusing transit to access already prohibitively expensive repairs. HB 1483/SB 5423 would allow Washingtonians to access local and affordable repair of their devices, making repair accessible for Washingtonians at all income levels.
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Stubborn zipper? Flickery lamp? Wobbly chair?

You’re in luck. The next Fix-it Cafe will be in Spring of 2025. Bring that … whatever it is … to our dedicated band of Fixers and Tinkerers. If we can, we’ll set it back on its legs and keep it out of the landfill for a while more. Sponsored by Zero Waste Vashon, Vashon Makerspace, Vashon Ace Hardware, the Eagles, and King County Eco Consumer.

Fall Café a Success

Vashonites brought about sixty-nine items to the Fall 2024 Café at the Eagles. Of those, fifty-eight were fixed, including many lamps, some mending, various small appliances and a chair or two. All in all, 485 pounds of treasures were NOT taken to the landfill. Huzzah!

That socket didn’t buy itself…

Your gift helps stock the Fix-it tool chest with the tools and supplies that help us help you. Consider a generous donation and help keep fixable items out of the trash!