Support the Right to Repair

Stubborn zipper? Flickery lamp? Wobbly chair?
You’re in luck. The next Fix-it Cafe will be in Spring of 2025. Bring that … whatever it is … to our dedicated band of Fixers and Tinkerers. If we can, we’ll set it back on its legs and keep it out of the landfill for a while more. Sponsored by Zero Waste Vashon, Vashon Makerspace, Vashon Ace Hardware, the Eagles, and King County Eco Consumer.
Fall Café a Success
Vashonites brought about sixty-nine items to the Fall 2024 Café at the Eagles. Of those, fifty-eight were fixed, including many lamps, some mending, various small appliances and a chair or two. All in all, 485 pounds of treasures were NOT taken to the landfill. Huzzah!
That socket didn’t buy itself…
Your gift helps stock the Fix-it tool chest with the tools and supplies that help us help you. Consider a generous donation and help keep fixable items out of the trash!
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